
Little Holly Hedgehog is open in line with Government guidelines

For further information or if you are interested in applying for a place for your child at the pre-school, please contact Christy Ball on 07952 948174

Based at Crawley Baptist Church, it provides high quality care and education with a variety of activities involving both play and learning within the foundation stage of the national curriculum

Each child is encouraged to reach his/her full potential; to develop a caring attitude towards others and at the same time to develop self-confidence and the ability to express themselves.

Ofsted - Outstanding

Millie’s Mark accreditation

We received our Millie’s Mark accreditation on 17/01/2023. It demonstrates that the pre-school has 100% of staff working directly with children trained in paediatric first aid and is going above and beyond requirements to keep children safe.

Our curriculum is based upon the guidelines set out by the EYFS known as the Early Years Foundation Stage. Based upon; a positive relationship, a unique child, enabling environments and learning and development.

Organisation and administration

Christy Ball

Preschool manager and proprietor

Early Years Degree, Level 5

Laura Iashmar

Deputy manager

Level 3 NVQ in Child Care and Education

Times of Operation

The Pre-school operates on Monday, Thursday and Friday 9.30-2.30 over 38 weeks per year.

Admissions Policy

Children will be accepted into the pre-school from the age of two, some funding is available, please apply using this link

Fees and Funding

Fees are required one calendar month in advance; we are sure that parents will understand the need for prompt payment as we have to plan and budget some way ahead. No reimbursement will be provided for periods of sickness, absence or holidays. Fees are reviewed annually.


We have sweatshirts and T-shirts with the pre-school logo, which can be purchased. Though this is not compulsory, it will help the child to have a sense of belonging and prepare for their next school. It also makes the child also feel they are ’going to school’, especially if they have older brothers and sisters who wear a ‘uniform’ to school.

Parental Involvement

Parents and carers are very welcome into the pre-school, we hold many end of term activities which we encourage parents to be involved in.


Regular newsletters are produced that give up to date information about the pre-school, we also have a Facebook page which is regularly updated with useful preschool information.

All Inclusive Pre-School

Little Holly Hedgehog Pre-school is an all-inclusive pre-school and welcomes all families. Please click on here to review our Local Offer.

Please contact Christy Ball on 07952 948174

or you can leave a message at the church on 01293 546177